The most important aspect of this year is to ensure you fulfill all the requirements necessary to successfully complete grade 12!
1. Review the KRS grad check list
(Note: Students will have filled out an identical sheet in Planning and Grad Transitions classes, and must have at least 80 CREDITS in order to graduate)
2. Visit the Ministry of Education's online transcript service now available
3. Capstone Presentations have been moved to the spring. Details and dates will be announced.
4. Scholarship application packages will be available in mid-December or early January. Ms. Schalla will notify everyone when they are ready. Due back deadline for applications is March 14, 2025
5. Student fees are $30. Grad fees are $75. The grad fee covers the cost of the ceremony which includes facility rental, ticket printing, grad gown rental, souvenir cap, diploma folder, receptions costs etc. Grad fees also help offset other grad activity costs throughout the year.